Daughter Hot Mess Red wins Danish Show

Grand Champion Red Holstein at the Danish National Show

„Thank you for the opportunity to buy the Latenite embryos from the Hotstuff family.
We got with 514 039643-05735 (Latenite x Miss Mamas Hot Mess Red) the Red Junior Grand Champion at the Danish National Show Landsskuet 2024″
Christian Gravesen, Denmark.

Another successful purchase and breeding result of A.L.H. Genetics B.V..

ALH has embryos available world-wide with daily new female embryos added @ EMBRYOSALE.COM

For questions and breeding advice?
Talk to the breeding specialist Adolf Langhout, call (+31) 511-424243 or send a mail

Not only do our animals have the ability to make you money with their strong pedigrees and potential return on investment,
besides, such an animal can place you exactly where you belong; in the Winners Circle!

Top quality is in little things.
“It’s the little things that make big things possible”

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