Jotan Red: the number 2 with excellent daughters in the Netherlands

Jotan Red, born in 2004 at ALH

Jotan-Red, he is the Jordan son born in 2004 from Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude. Holstein International calls him the European pioneer with the conformation of the Altitude.

Jotan Red is the number 1 bull with Red excellent daughters in the Netherlands.

Jotan Red is the number 2 bull with 82 classified daughters out of 9.466 daughters in the Netherlands.
(no. 1 Sunny Boy has 97 excellent daughters out of 218.271 daughters, source CRV)

Jotan Red was purchased as an embryo by ALH in 2003, born in 2004 at ALH in the Netherlands and delivered in 2005 by ALH to Masterrind in Germany!

Another successful purchase and breeding result of A.L.H. Genetics B.V..

Do you like to own Elite animals?
ALH has embryos available world-wide with daily new female embryos added @ EMBRYOSALE.COM

For questions and breeding advice?
Talk to the breeding specialist Adolf Langhout, call (+31) 511-424243 or send a mail

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