De A.L.H. kalender 2017 is verzonden en hieronder hebben we voor u de dieren op een rijtje gezet.

Larcrest Canto 2y VG-88 & Larcrest Crimson EX-94
A-L-H Braxton Luna 2y VG-88 & Butlerview LB Coreff RC
A-L-H Silver Havanna & Cookiecutter SSire Have 2y VG-86
Val Bisson Bookem Dona EX-91 & Val Bisson Shottle Imelda EX-94
Watermolen Windbrook Paradise 2y VG-89 & Watermolen Goldwyn Princes VG-89

Larcrest Canto 2y VG-88, the Supersire granddaughter of Larcrest Crimson EX-94

Larcrest Crimson EX-94, EX-96 MS >100.000kg lifetime!

A-L-H Braxton Luna 2y VG-88

Just a nice shot in the Netherlands

Butlerview LB Coreff RC, Armani x Damion Camomile EX-95

A-L-H Silver Havanna, out of Cookiecutter Ssire Have 2y VG-86

Cookiecutter Ssire Have 2y VG-86, EX-90 MS, the Genomics transmitter

Val Bisson Bookem Dona EX-91 and her dam Val Bisson Shottle Imelda EX-94

Watermolen Windbrook Paradise VG-89

Watermolen Goldwyn Princess VG-89

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